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How to use it? 

Using our Privacy Health Check is simple and straightforward. Follow these easy steps to get started:


  1. Sign Up: Create an account on our platform and purchase the Privacy Health Check.

  2. Access the Assessment: We will send you a link that will take you to the Privacy Health Check.

  3. Complete the Questionnaire: Answer a series of questions about your organisation’s data practices and privacy policies. We have free resources and in-built if you get stuck on questions.

  4. Receive Your Scores: Once completed, you will receive an email with your report containing a score indicating your privacy maturity and data risk profile.

  5. Review Recommendations: Based on your score, review the recommendations and actions outlines in your tailored report to improve your privacy compliance.

  6. Implement Changes: Use the insights and recommendations to make informed decisions and implement necessary changes to enhance your privacy practices. Our Privacy Pro Toolkit is an exceptional start for those who want to get a head start on starting or improving their privacy practices.

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